
                Combat in Fractured Hope is divided between a character’s turn and a round.
What is a Turn?
                A turn consists of a single character’s set of actions during a round.

What is a Round?
There are two types of rounds in Fractured Hope, a combat round and a character round.
                A combat round starts with the first character, NPC or enemy in the initiative order – also called the ‘top’ of the initiative order –and end with the last character, NPC or enemy in the initiative order – this is called the ‘bottom’ of the initiative order.
A character round consists of all the turns between that character’s last turn and their next turn. This type of round comes is used when status effects and damage or heal over time skills/spells are in effect.

Attacking and Defending
                Fractured Hope keeps combat simple by using an opposition roll (also referred to as a Versus Roll – X vs Y). Essentially, during combat the attacker and defender compare their roll results – after all modifiers have been taken into account – and a result is determined as such:
                Attacking (ATK) and Defending (DEF)
                                ATK # > DEF #,  attacker successfully hits the defender.
                                ATK # = DEF #,  defender blocks the attack.
                                DEF # > ATK #,  attacker misses.

                If the attacker is successful the damage done is easily determined by comparing the difference between the two rolls.
                Damage (DMG)
                                DMG = the difference in the dice rolls.
Example: The attacker rolls a 6 and the target rolls a 4.  Because the attacker has a larger # they successfully hit.  To calculate the damage amount just subtract that 4 from 6, which gives us 2 (6 - 4 = 2).  So the attacker does 2 points of damage to the target.

The character stands ready for anything. In the case of ambushes against the players, readied characters gain an instant basic attack (no skill usage) BEFORE initiative is rolled. If the weapon has a spell or spell effect attached to it, that spell/effect may be used as a ready action. Players must state that their character is ‘readied’ before a combat encounter is announced. Be careful players, having a character readied at all times or in a populated area may gain the attention of local authorities.
Moving the character. Players may divide their character’s move action through-out their turn as long as the total distance moved does not exceed that character’s limit. This means a character may move, then attack and then move again if they didn’t move their full distance in the initial move action.
Characters cannot move directly diagonally, only vertically and horizontally across the grid.

Sprinting: A character may take their entire turn to sprint. Sprinting doubles the range they may move, effectively allowing players to move two range bands instead of one. Characters cannot make a Standard Action if they just sprinted.

Standing: If a character is in the prone position or has been knocked down, the act of standing up is considered their move action.
A standard action encompasses combat, ability use, switching weapons or opening and searching through a pack/container. Players may only make one standard action per turn unless otherwise stated.
A minor action is any action that is not a ready, move or standard action. This includes, but is not limited to, using items. Players may make as many standard actions as they need during their turn.
If a player chooses to Wait instead of moving and/or attacking or using an ability during their combat turn they can then move and/or attack at the beginning of any other player or enemy turn in that round (before that player or NPC moves or attacks). However, if they choose to Wait and then move during another character's or enemies turn they forfeit their Move action for the next round.

Initiative determines the play order (who goes first, second, third, etc.) in a combat situation.  It is determined by the following:
Initiative is: 1d6 + Class Initiative

Rolling for Initiative

The Player who rolls the highest goes first.  If there is a draw (two or more players get the same initiative) then the character with the highest FNS goes first.  If both players have the same FNS, then both players re-roll 1d6 until one of the players rolls a higher number; that person goes first.

                Ready Actions if applicable (Only at beginning of the encounter)
    Initiative Roll (Only at beginning of the encounter)
                Recurring Effects
                Move, Standard Action or Wait
                Resolution (if any action is taken)
                Minor Action (anytime during the combat process; optional)

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An attack can only be made if the target is within line of sight.  A good way of determining this is by holding a pencil between the character and the target.  If anything obstructs the pencil then there is no line of sight. The pencil slightly clipping the edge or corner of an obstruction does not break line of sight.
Class Abilities that are area of effect based only require the target square to be in sight, not every potential target that falls within the effects area.

                Physical attacks encompass unarmed melee attacks such as punching and kicking, attacks with melee weapons like swords and axes, and ranged weapons such as throwing knives and bows.

                Unarmed attacks are punches and kicks. A character may become unarmed in a combat encounter and must use the unarmed melee modifier.

Unarmed: STR Roll + STR Level

Melee Weapons
                Melee weapons a generally categorized as either one-handed (1H) or two-handed (2H) melee weapons including daggers, swords, axes, hammers, clubs, spears and pole-arms. Staves also fall into this category when being used as a melee weapon. With the proper Rune equipped characters may wield two one-handed weapons, one in their main-hand and one in their offhand. This is known as dual-wielding.
                Dual-wielding allows players to make a basic weapon attack twice in the same turn, once with their main-hand weapon and once with their offhand weapon. This advantage is offset by the disadvantage of the offhand penalty that comes with dual wielding, which minuses 2 from any roll made with an offhand weapon. This is a base penalty and characters may attain modifiers that will reduce this penalty.

                Main-Hand: STR Roll + STR Level + Melee Weapon Rating
                Offhand: STR Roll + STR Level + Offhand Weapon Rating – 2(Offhand Penalty)

Ranged Weapons
                Ranged weapons are any physical weapons that can be used at range, i.e. shot, thrown, launched, etc. Most often the ranged weapons within the game consist of bows or throwing weapons but improvised weapons such as stones are considered ranged weapons if thrown. Players must have line of sight on their target to use a ranged weapon.
                There is no set range for all ranged weapons rather the range of a weapon is dependent upon that weapon.

                Ranged: FNS Roll + FNS Level + Ranged Weapon Rating

                Any basic physical attack, whether from an unarmed assailant or with a physical weapon, is rolled against a target’s physical defense (or P. DEF for short). The P. DEF of a character is determined by their END Roll, without taking their END level into consideration, plus their total Armor Points (AP).
                There are a number of Class Skills that will also be rolled against a target’s P. DEF.

                P. DEF: END Roll + AP
                Magical attacks work in almost the exact same way as physical attacks with the main difference being the use of INT instead of STR or FNS. There are two kinds of magical attacks, Offensive Magical Abilities and Magical Weapons.

Offensive Magical Abilities
                Any offensive ability in Fractured Hope that used INT as its primary stat is considered an offensive magical ability.

                Offensive Magic: INT Roll + INT Stat

Magical Weapons
                Wands and Staves are considered magical weapons where-as all other weapons are physical weapons. The major difference is range, rating and the use of INT when dealing damage with them at range. Staves may be used in a physical context as long as the character using it is standing adjacent to the target. Wands however are ranged only weapons.
                There is another type of weapon in that players might confuse for a magical weapon, imbued weapons. Imbued weapons are not necessarily magical weapons. An imbued weapon is considered physical or magical based on its weapon type; swords, bows, axes, etc. are still physical weapons with imbued wands and staves still being magical.

Magical Weapons: INT Roll + INT Stat Level + Magical Weapon Rating

              When attacked with an offensive magical ability or magical weapon players will roll their character’s magical defense instead of their physical defense unless otherwise stated by the ability or weapon. The difference is AP is not taken into consideration when a magical weapon is used, just the target’s INT.

                M. DEF: INT Roll + INT Stat Level

                With every turn there is a possibility to roll exceptionally well. These exceptional rolls are typically called critical rolls or “crit(s)” for short. In Fractured Hope any roll where at least one die lands on its highest number. There are two possible outcomes if this occurs depending on whether the player rolling was attacking or defending.

Critical attack rolls work as such: if a player rolls a die and it lands on the highest possible outcome for that die the player may roll another die of the same size and add the result to the total of the other roll(s). This extra roll is called an explosion. A player may only explode once in a roll, meaning that even if they are rolling multiple dice and more than one of those dice lands on its highest number they may only roll one extra die.
                Example: A player rolls 2d6. Both dice land on 6 for a total of 12. Even though both dice landed on the highest number possible for the individual die the player may only roll one extra d6. The player rolls this extra d6 and lands on a 4. This four is added to the previous total of 12 giving the player a new total of 16.

                Critical defense work in a similar way to critical attack rolls. The difference is as follows: instead of rolling an extra die the player adds their characters END level to the total roll.

                Example: A player rolls 2d6. One of their dice lands on a 6 and the other lands on 4. Instead of rolling another d6 that player would then add their character’s END level. Let’s say the character’s END level is 3, this would give the player a total defense roll of 13 (10 from the dice roll and 3 for the END level).
Base Movement
           A character’s base movement – regardless of class, race or stature – is six (6). Without any other modifiers affecting movement this base movement represents how many grid squares a character may move in a single turn. There are restrictions how a character may move across the combat grid.

Moving Across the Grid
              Players are not free to move their character’s across the combat grid without restriction. Characters may only be moved horizontally and vertically but cannot move directly diagonally. What this means is in order to more in a diagonal progression players must move their character alternately horizontally and vertically.



The ‘C’ represents the character on the grid. The green squares represent the horizontal and vertical directions that character may move.





The ‘C’ represents the character on the grid. The green squares represent how a character would move diagonally across the grid with the numbers representing the steps taken in order to make that movement.

Movement Modifiers
           Certain equipment, abilities, runes or actions may modify a character’s base movement. Heavy armor may lower the rate of movement while a rune may increase it. If a character decides to run during their combat turn then the movement is doubled. Every ability, rune and piece of equipment that can modify movement will state that it can. If a character has a modifier to their base movement it can be recorded on the front of the character sheet under the ‘Move’ section.

An attack of opportunity allows a player or NPC to make an attack during an opponent’s move turn.  It occurs when a character or NPC either occupies a square next to or is moving past an opponent or away from that opponent (running away).  The opponent would then get to make a basic attack outside their normal attack.  If the attack is successful then the character or NPC takes whatever damage was inflicted and is allowed to continue their move turn.  If the attack is unsuccessful then the character or NPC continues their move turn unhindered.

                Position on the combat grid is important in Fractured Hope, not only does it determine if you are in range of your opponent but by strategically positioning yourself to the side or behind your target you will receive an attack bonus.

                Flanking refers to positioning to the sides of the target in opposed to being in front or behind the target. To gain a flanking bonus only the attacker is required to be positioned to the side of the target and the attacker only has to be in range of the target, not necessarily directly next to them.

                Flanking Bonus: +1 to Attack





The ‘T’ is the target square with ‘Front’ being the front of the target, or the direction they are facing, and ‘Back’ being the back of the target. The red squares are areas where attackers would gain a flanking bonus when attacking. This area extends beyond the grid shown.

Attacking from Behind
             By positioning behind the target an attacker will gain a greater attack bonus than in any other tactical position. The area behind the target that gains this bonus extends from the target in a pyramidal pattern.

                Attacking from Behind Bonus: +2 to Attack




The ‘T’ is the target square with ‘Front’ being the front of the target, or the direction they are facing. The red squares are the areas where attackers would gain a bonus when attacking from behind. This area extends beyond the grid shown.

              Players and NPCs may attempt to prevent attackers from gaining Flanking and Attack from Behind bonuses. During their turn, players and NPCs may pivot – rotate – their characters in place without any movement or action cost to them. Pivoting will cause their character to face a different direction and potential attacker.
            Certain class abilities and runes affect large areas on the grid. Such affects are typically called Areas of Effect (AoE). An AoE can be of different size and is specified by the ability or rune that is an AoE. In Fractured Hope we denote these different sizes by using the label ‘Level’.

AoE Levels
            The level number tells players how far out the effective area reaches from the center of AoE/target square. For every level the radius expand one (1) square out in all directions. The shape of AoEs in Fractured Hope are always square unless otherwise stated.



This is an example of an AoE Level 1. The darker center square with the ‘T’ is the target square. The AoE affects this target square and the area that extends 1 square around it. The white/empty squares are unaffected by the AoE.


This is an example of an AoE Level 2. The darker center square with the ‘T’ is the target square. The AoE affects this target square and the area that extends 2 squares around it. The white/empty squares are unaffected by the AoE.

            Area of Effect abilities and runes do not have to have a specific target to be used, but
a target must fall within the affected area for the AoE to be cast. Thus a player may target an empty square so long as a target is in the affected area and no obstacles prevent them from being targeted.

            Obstacles rarely get in the way of an Area of Effect ability or rune. However, there are a few cases where they can. An affect cannot penetrate a wall that the caster cannot see over nor can it penetrate through a floor even if it’s made of loose planks. Pillars or statues that got from floor-to-ceiling also protect against AoEs with anything on the opposite side of the pillar from where the AoE is cast not being affected.



The darker center square with the ‘T’ is the target square. The light blue square labeled ‘P’ represents the pillar. We can see that the AoE doesn’t penetrate or wrap around the pillar but does continue past the sides of the pillar.

                Trees, large rocks, furniture and buildings; what all these things have in common is that they may provide player characters and NPCs with cover. Cover is a defensive modifier, a number that is added to a defense roll. When a target is within in line of sight but their person is not fully visible then it is understood as them having partial cover.
                Cover in Fractured Hope is simplified with players only having to consider if the target is visible or not and if they are the target is attempting to gain cover with their positioning. If the aggressor can see the target but there is also an object between them and the target – as in a low lying structure – it is understood that the target is attempting to gain cover.
                Regardless of the scenario the defense bonus for cover is always a +2.

                When a character’s Health Points (HP) reaches zero (0) they become unconscious. In order to regain consciousness, one of three things must occur:
1)      The player with the unconscious character must make a successful Stabilization Roll.
2)      Another character must Revive the unconscious character.
3)      Combat ends before all stabilization rolls have been made.
                At the beginning of their next turn – after their character became unconscious – the player will make a stabilization roll. If the player fails to roll the target number or higher they must wait until it is their turn again to make another attempt. A total of 3 stabilization attempts may be made. If the player is successful their character remains unconscious until combat is over, at which point they regain consciousness with 1 HP. However, if the player fails to stabilize their character dies and may not be used anymore. At this point it is up to the Game Master and player(s) to decide if a new character will be made and how to integrate them into the already established party.
                Stabilization: END Roll; target number = 8

                If combat ends before the player has made all their stabilization attempts it is assumed that they stabilized and are thus conscious once again with 1 HP.

                There are certain runes or class abilities that may revive an unconscious character regardless if they have stabilized yet or not. A character that is revived has HP equal to the amount rolled by the reviver unless it exceeds the unconscious character’s maximum HP. The newly revived character may make one move action immediately after being revived without promptly an Attack of Opportunity but no other action may be made during that combat round.
                Dead characters cannot be revived.

Party Wipe
                A party wipe is when all characters within a player group become unconscious. At this point all characters are considered dead, regardless if there are stabilization rolls to be made since a stabilized character is still unconscious. It is assumed that any creature they would be fighting will finish off unconscious characters not giving them the chance to hope for a passing NPC to lend assistance.

Initiative Order
                An unconscious character retains their place in the initiative order in case they are revived. If they happen to die the character is removed from the initiative order.

May not attack, but may move and defend as normal.
May not move, but may attack and defend as normal.
May not move or attack. Defense is restricted to the target’s base P.DEF and M.DEF (AP and INT level respectively).
Only roll one die for attack and defense rolls.
Knocked Down
Must spend your movement for that turn standing up. While prone, you suffer a -1 penalty to attack and defense (stacks with other penalties).
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